Since we live abroad in Germany, a lot of our friends / family back at home in the US wont ever see our little girls nursery, so I thought i'd add a little blog post with some pictures! I also wanted to do this before the baby comes because I know it will never be this clean/organized again!
Maybe I don't say it enough, but I am SO lucky to have Andrew. Not only because he has been the most loving & caring husband, especially throughout this pregnancy. But also due to the fact that he is slightly a perfectionist / OCD. :) Which matches perfectly with me, because I am NOT. :) This meant - every time that we got in a new delivery / picked up new furniture, he would put it together immediately. At first I was like "do we really need to do it this weekend??" - but now I am so grateful, because the nursery has been set up already for 1.5 months and there was no need for any last minute stressing.
I'll admit, its not as easy to decorate for a nursery here in Germany. What I would have given for a Pottery Barn Kids, BuyBuyBaby, or even Target! Most of the furniture in the room is from IKEA, because, well.. its all we have. (and its pretty inexpensive!) And I ordered A LOT from Amazon.
Those cute little balloons are from my work baby shower. Somehow they're still inflated!
Surprisingly, the glider was the hardest thing for us to find here in Germany!
I love the details of this room!
We loved the idea of bringing in some safari animals to the room, especially because our safari trip to the Serengeti last year was one of the most memorable experiences of our lives. I ordered these prints off of Etsy (link here), which I just downloaded the files, had them printed here in Germany and picked up the frames from IKEA. Those 3 steps were 10x easier than hanging up the frames themselves. (If anyone has experienced the unknown material of German walls, you'd understand)... Thank you again Andrew ;)
Cute little bookcase from Ikea
Which has some great storage space since this room does not have any closet storage.
Its next to our daybed which helps to also make this a guest room. (The daybed actually pulls out to be a queen sized bed!). Once again thankful for the storage space underneath.
This dresser, which yes - is IKEA (link here) is the Hemnes 8 Drawer Dresser in "white stain". It also doubles as our changing table.
Andrew may win at being the most organized between the two of us, but for some reason, I loved the idea of organizing these drawers! I have a feeling its going to completely become a DISASTER once she is here... but for now, sometimes i'll just walk into the room and open the drawers and stare at them... (thats normal, right?)
I'd guess that 80% of the clothes that we currently have are all borrowed from my older sisters little one, Juliana. (thank you!) I have always heard that everyone buys 'too much clothes' for their newborns, so I am taking the minimalistic route, and when in doubt we buy more!
The white drawer organizers you'll see below are also from IKEA (link here). It makes it super easy to organize by clothing size. That way - if she quickly moves out of the 'newborn size' all I need to do is pull out those organizers, and switch up the 3 month sized white organizer which is just in a lower drawer! I had seen this on Pinterest and thought it was a great idea.
I tried to keep these drawers to the "most used" items.
- Left Drawer: Newborn Sized Clothes, Onsies, Kimono shirts (for while she still has her umbilical cord), little socks & mittens. Since we dont know how big she will be born, she may not even fit into most of these onsies!
- Left Middle Drawer: Diaper changing stuff: Diaper Cream, wash clothes, random stuff.
- Right Middle Drawer: Diapers & wipes
- Right Drawer: Burp Clothes, Bibs and bows (I may have an obsession with buying bows)
- Left Drawer: 0-3 month old short sleeved onsies, long sleeved onsies, cute outfits & knit pants.
- Right Drawer: 3-6 month old outfits (basically anything I bought already which is way too big). A bunch of different type of 'sleep sacks' & already done swaddlers. And then the cutest little adidas baby shoes.
- Left Bottom Drawer: Muslin Swaddles & hooded towels. I have found that along with bows, my buying obsession has been these muslin swaddles. The top ones with the blueberries, lemons and strawberries are from Little Unicorn (link here). And the bottom row is from Aiden + Anais (link here)
- Right Bottom Drawer: Blankets & more (bigger sized) diapers.
Now all we need is for our little baby girl to arrive! :)